‘Waiting for my real life to begin’ 7/20

Ever since my cat Pickles has passed away…I find myself opened up in a way that I have not yet experienced. I cry a lot.

I cry a lot but not in a sad way. It’s in some kind of beautiful life way.

I saw one of my closest friends at the store the other day. It has been about 3 weeks since I have seen her….and when I saw her face I just started crying. We hugged and I just couldn’t help but cry. I’m not even sad.

I heard the song ‘Waiting for my real life to begin’ by Colin Hay on the radio yesterday on my way into work. Tears…tears…and a peace.

In the song he says “Any minute now…my ship is coming in.” If you have not heard it please listen.

I strongly felt after listening to it…I am done waiting for my real life to begin.

My real life is now. It is here and it is filled with grace and love and friends and struggles and deaths and dreams and 10 million other things that can happen in a moment.

Its here. I’m here.

Published by gracefuladdict

I am a true addict living my life one day at a time in recovery. I have been substance free -meaning NO drugs or alcohol since 5/23/10. My intention is to share my experiences daily in the hopes to free others from the fears of being who they truly are. My wish is to bravely tell my truth so others can tell theirs as well. I want to be free of self hatred and doubt. I want to live a life of joy, kindness, love and grace. Thank you!

36 thoughts on “‘Waiting for my real life to begin’ 7/20

      1. That’s a very large compliment and I thank you ❤️I literally hear on a regular basis in my heart a guidance that’s says “Danielle- let them know I exist.”
        You just confirmed that I am on the right track❤️much love to you my friend


  1. I understand I miss all of the pets that have cross over to rainbow bridge, perhaps someday you can open your heart to another. When we loss something we realize how precious life truly is

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    1. Hiii and yesss!!! We have a new baby kitten arriving Friday!! Her name is Eve and my son has fallen in love with her❤️💜❤️We are so blessed and it will be great for our current cat Snoopy who is Pickles brother and our whole family ❤️💜❤️

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    1. Yes!! Pickles has blown my heart wide open!! Life is incredibly beautiful and I just cry at the beauty and at it’s absurdity’s too! ❤️Our new baby kittenEve comes tomorrow !! We are over the moon and cannot wait!!

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      1. “Eve” in Hebrew is “Ḥawwāh” and is most commonly believed to mean “living one” or “source of life” I think she is going to breathe new life into yours and your sons lives ❤ enJOY her ❤

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      2. Yesss!! It was funny because my son found her online and said she was the one – he said “mom look in her eyes” So then I said I wanted to change her name and he was adamant and said no. So I looked up the name and found out what it means I was just so grateful ❤️💜❤️definitely divine grace – the source of life…the living is coming into our home after we have had such a loss💜 it could be more perfect 💜♥️💜thank you for your love support Sue – miracles are happening over here ❤️❤️


  2. I love you my beautiful friend ❤️ tears of 😹 joy! I could feel the love in that 🫂 hug. I didn’t want to let go❤️


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