Fighting for his freedom 6/30

My son Tyler who is 21 years old has left the nest. It has not been on the best of terms or how I would have planned it.

I have heard many many times in recovery – “God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves.”

This I feel has been one of those situations.

If I waited for the way I thought he should leave…he might have lived with me until he was 50 years old.

But there has been a strength and a knowing developing inside of me in regards to how every ones journey is beautifully their own.

I am not to interject…or try to control it. (even when I want to)

A fellow blogger mentioned in a comment that my son is “fighting for his freedom.”


Even if he has to be angry to do it…good.

I admire anyone who fights for their personal freedom.

Fight for that freedom TylerIT IS YOURS...I love you.

Published by gracefuladdict

I am a true addict living my life one day at a time in recovery. I have been substance free -meaning NO drugs or alcohol since 5/23/10. My intention is to share my experiences daily in the hopes to free others from the fears of being who they truly are. My wish is to bravely tell my truth so others can tell theirs as well. I want to be free of self hatred and doubt. I want to live a life of joy, kindness, love and grace. Thank you!

14 thoughts on “Fighting for his freedom 6/30

  1. That brought me to tears Danielle…you gave him love…unconditionally. It hurt, oh did it hurt…but with a love so beautifully shared by daring to go…against motherhood, against a lifetime of being you, against even the love you have gained in your heart. In allowing him to find what you found in doing it all.

    A big huge loving hug from me, and eventually from him too. Even if he kicks his toe without that care, or falls down and hurts himself badly. But you will have given him a gift, and a very profound one kind lady. You haven’t lost anything, but gained a more loving son in daring it…and what it is building within you for doing it 😀❤️🙏

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      1. That it does Danielle, it is a very powerful thing this love. From the gentle tears of a mother to the tiger of protection from the same 😀❤️🙏


  2. Amen. This image resonated with me, as I am halfway through the George Foreman biopic, where he gets radically saved and gives up boxing. Only to find out that being a preacher is just as painful…

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  3. I pray that God continues to grant you peace and strength during this time of transition. May His love surround Tyler wherever he goes, and may your bond as parent and child grow stronger through God’s grace.

    Amen 🙏🤗

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