Last nights Meeting 12/23

Last night I drove myself and 2 other lovely ladies to a recovery meeting that we had never been to. Sometimes the car ride is more entertaining than the meeting. But the meetings are our medicine so off we went.

I in my sweatpants and hoodie. Pam in her fur coat (she said it was fake), her sparkly earrings and polished look. And Roberta in her nice casual jeans, warm puffy black winter coat and her very beautiful dark curly hair.

Why am I discussing how we looked? Well because it made me laugh… a laugh of freedom. We are all free to be exactly who we are. We look completely different from one another on the outside…but the insides are completely the same.

When we arrived the outside appearance of the meeting was quite sketchy. It did not look like even a soul should be or would be in there. I said good luck to us and we proceeded.

We opened the door and I saw a room full of people and very pretty yellow walls. The people inside were very welcoming as we were a few minutes late. We hustled to our chairs and then listened to the speaker share.

The speaker was a woman maybe in her 60’s and her story was powerful. After 20 years clean she relapsed on pills. And then after that she miraculously makes it back and relapses again this time on prescriptions and marijuana. She lived to tell the tale and keep me and my friends clean for another day.

This reminds me of how powerful TRUTH is and just how weak shame and judgement are. This woman came back to share her truth…it helps her and a room full of addicts.

My truth today…I am learning just how powerful my own truth can be. I need not hide anything. Shame can help nobody but the truth can help millions.

Published by gracefuladdict

I am a true addict living my life one day at a time in recovery. I have been substance free -meaning NO drugs or alcohol since 5/23/10. My intention is to share my experiences daily in the hopes to free others from the fears of being who they truly are. My wish is to bravely tell my truth so others can tell theirs as well. I want to be free of self hatred and doubt. I want to live a life of joy, kindness, love and grace. Thank you!

19 thoughts on “Last nights Meeting 12/23

  1. Truth is the best thing we can possibly offer. To ourselves and everyone around us.
    I know this, I see it clearly and easily.
    I wonder why logic had a way of getting so easily distorted in the face of emotion and shame.
    I often wonder why truth can be so hard to find when attempting it for myself…while still recognizing it’s incredible importance.
    One day the shame will be smaller than the courage. I hope.

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  2. I concur. What a strong woman she was! The world needs such strong people. No need of lying about the past and the current if the future is to be lived in appreciation. Lies hurt more than truth as it’s been plainly put. What a wonderful message. I love this piece. 💖

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  3. TRUTH is the way to live. Living truth may not be easy, but most anything worth everything requires work. I come from a family where things were brushed under the carpet to put on a good face for the world or to keep from dealing with hard stuff. I chose not to live that way. I made the choice. Truth would make what my extended family is going through better for everyone. But not facing truth has brought out demons for some family members. Life has become harder than it had to be. Please CHOOSE TRUTH. Thank you for sharing, and thanks to all who share truth.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. shame on him
    when i he bashes
    and screams loser freak
    why did you fuck and procreate
    i said cos it felt fucking fantastic
    til she opened her mouth
    and then it was buyer s remorse
    and nature took her course
    boo ya bebbee!


  5. It is often one step forward, two back, however that old saying goes, when we are trying to reprogram ourselves into a new kind of outlook and routine. And maybe in a funny way, that’s part of God’s plan too.

    Forgive me if I have already said this at your blog! I really applaud your attitude and willingness to share. 💞

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  6. You wrote a powerful message for those in your situation. I’ve never been in your shoes, but I feel that it’s so good of you to reach out to all who need to share their truths in order to progress to a life without being almost like a slave under an addiction. I loved your description of you three ladies . So enjoyable to read and in my mind very true. We are often the same, but with different “covers”. It saddens to hear about the lady who shared her story. But, as they say, if you tell the truth, you don’t have to try and remember what you said. For those who tell the truth, it’s always there. Maybe the truth will set us free. I hope so. Hope you will have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. 🍏⭐️🎄🌷🌷🌷💖

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    1. Thank you so much Lena for taking the time to share your thoughts and feelings. If I can stand in my own truth and encourage the ones that are doing it as well…then my soul feels it’s worth and purpose. Recovery is an amazing thing because as addicts we have lied our whole life about everything! So to find the truth…through recovery and discovery….and then share it – blows me away every time. Much love to you and thank you 🙏 for your encouragement ❤️💜❤️

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