I jumped 5/22

May 23rd 2010 – I jumped.

I surrendered – I said “that’s enough” – I with some form of BLIND faith – made a spirit guided decision to get help for my drug/alcohol addiction.

I must have had faith. Faith in what?

When I remember my 35 year self – stumbling on the front lawn…beat up from head to toe – trying to get my tearful 6 year old of the bus….

I have to acknowledge that something greater than me…knew something that I did not.

I have to admit that a powerful UNSEEN force – allowed me to believe – or even just consider – that there was a better way.

I had no idea what that WAY was – I had no idea where I was going – what would become of me…but something said on that day – in that very moment – “you are done here…that’s enough.”

I cannot deny this guidance. I cannot deny this beautiful unseen force that has been with me – when I was using drugs and since I have not been.

The difference is – I know this power today to be EVERYTHING.

I muffled it for such a long time. But it guided me right back to it.

There is no greater gift.

Published by gracefuladdict

I am a true addict living my life one day at a time in recovery. I have been substance free -meaning NO drugs or alcohol since 5/23/10. My intention is to share my experiences daily in the hopes to free others from the fears of being who they truly are. My wish is to bravely tell my truth so others can tell theirs as well. I want to be free of self hatred and doubt. I want to live a life of joy, kindness, love and grace. Thank you!

13 thoughts on “I jumped 5/22

  1. Indeed Danielle, it is the most powerful force there is. And the most incredible part was…I had to choose it. Unconditional love forces nothing, just allows our own hearts to feel and see. And in that guidance, with a great love, we ‘know’ what it has been trying to say…and admit it to ourselves and take that loving step. No greater love can you give in what it is to take that first step…and be free. Take a bow kind lady, you dared it ❤️🙏

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  2. All of our steps in Any direction from the very beginning of our life.. those baby steps ( the first ones ) when we are beginning to catch our balance like you did that day
    ” Hawk Spirit “are the ones we needed the most. The innocent ones into our mom & dad’s arms or whomever was there to root us on and Love us! Those are the ones that taught us .. all of us if we indeed took those steps.. some children don’t ever walk like my 7 crow they fly!! …..It’s all the same.. we are taught by LOVE and that guidance we call on over and over again. Especially in times of darkness to get us through. The Great Spirit. Jesus, Buddha, GOD,,whatever we believe in, we are all seeking freedom from self, and to get ready for what’s next. Our addiction brought ( can bring ) us “even in recovery” the suffering even in our recovery which leaves us no choice to seek spirituality is our freedom from self and the path to a free tomorrow should we decide to walk that way. 💖🌈 no matter if we are suffering or happy we are on the right path…that freedom we seek is It’s on its way we just need to keep on walking 🙏

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